Milele's Archive

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall into me...

Slowly pulling out.....causing red, orange, yellow, green, brown vibrations to permeate and my subtle preparations for a long night . Amassing my nuts one by one by one allowing my juices and berries to accumulate so that I may accommodate him even more-and I can never get enough. My defenses fall one at a time to reveal a vulnerable me that houses many things roaring up inside me awaiting his bitter blows. When he hits me with his best shot I'll stand strong although I may want to buckle and break. Leaving his reflective attributes all over me from top to bottom I am covered in his bone quivering expressions of love. His presences causes a death like silence that allows me to hear those things stirring inside of me looking for fuel, nourishment, comfort, warmth... hell anything at this point. Just when I think I can not take anymore I feel him rising up inside me bringing life back to every inch of my being. He causes me to burst open and share my beauty with all those around me. And while he stimulates me he saturates me from head to toe encouraging me to dig deeper looking for new secrets. I am content with my newness,  but he is not done yet he continues to get me hotter and hotter and hotter until I am wilting pleading for him to release me from his intense stare...a blow causes me to sway and dance and shake. I turn upwards as he pours his blessing upon me to nourish my soul. Knowing that in but a blink of the eye I will be amassing my nuts again.


Cory 2200 said...

0_0 lol Incredibly sexy..

Distinctively Me said...

Interesting......provocative....very sensual! WTG dada!

vernston said...

Nice way to use innuendo. :-)

Milele said...

Thanks loves