Milele's Archive

Friday, June 15, 2012

Excerpt... Togetherness 2 of 3

Oscillating between licking and sucking, he gave her great pulses of energy.  So many memories raced about her head as she let her love for this man flow through her body.  The only one to touch her body in the last 15 years, who knew every inch of her inside and out had now returned.  Flashbacks of them together at different times stuck in her head as her clit swelled and throbbed.  She oozed her juices into his mouth as she climaxed.  He flipped her over and began tasting her again.  He climbed inside her and rested next to her heart.  The warmth of his love pushed in and pulled out of her as she let tears of ecstasy flow from her body and mind.  The crashing waves of joy could not be contained within their bodies.  Years of feelings were poured into each thrust and touch.  The chill of the room hit their skin on every surface that they were not merged and created more sensations.  Nothing was more important than this blending.

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