Milele's Archive

Friday, June 15, 2012

Excerpt... Togetherness 3 of 3

Neema’s travels took her to see the efforts of the people in Kenya and Tanzania who are resisting the systematic theft of their land and destruction of their way of life.  This was a trip that they planned to take for years and never got around to it.  Together they had donated nearly $800,000 to several causes concerning these areas alone.  She took pictures of everything; it was such a pleasant change to all the fighting and negotiating that was on the other end of the struggle for world change.  Neema lived among the people for nearly six weeks.  She only had spoken with Chuma once for a large contribution to the clean water fund they needed to process. When she returned, the meeting had been set to finalize the separation of their marriage and business affairs.    She was so excited about what she and Chuma helped to establish that she asked to meet an hour early to discuss another collective project.  While they were alone she showed him the pictures of the people and the work they had done.  After several minutes the lawyer interrupted them

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