Milele's Archive

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Soul charged my spirit

For many of you who "follow" me you know that I have written a book, actually a series "Confessions...".  The first book released is "Confessions.. of a faithful woman"  I am humble and grateful at how well it has been received.  I have always hoped I would be able to touch people with all the work I do in many ways.
A beautiful sister Headwrappedra confirmed rather reaffirmed that.  She expressed to me the impact that we have had on each other so I asked her to be a guest on my blog and express that.  I had not anticipated how beautiful it would be.  Here is her post.

Soul charged my spirit
Rejuvenated an old young being
Allowed me to see that
My experiences
Are my livelihoods ignition
Love is
The purest
Nutrient replenishing
The crazed stage of womanhood
Love is
What we've been missing
We'll have
Most Genuine

Ever meet someone and feel that they were truly genuine, knew that they understood you! That connection that allowed you to be the truest you! I can't recall exactly how I begin to follow her when I initially joined twitter in 2009, but I will say 3 years and about 4 accounts later I've always made my way back to Milele!! Yea yea sounds a little groupie-ish, but coming from such a negatively dark spot in my life, her light was was an inspiration that I couldn't allow to leave my sphere! All of us tweet-birds know that our timelines become like an extended family, and Milele made me feel like a part of her family as she reached out to me during an extremely dark place in my life. I had just had a daughter from a man I barely knew, who happened to be sexually, mentally and physically abusive during my pregnancy; barely over that I entered a new relationship with a man that I'd fallen deeply for only to find out a year later that he was MARRIED. I lost weight (which at 5'3" 115 I couldn't afford to lose), I'm pretty sure that she felt my energy, sensed I needed some nurturing and made me feel beautiful, assured me that what I was going through didn't have to be the death of me!! Once I found out that she wrote, it was like the light got even brighter. So I was anticipating the release of her book, and then it happened, her genuinely positive demeanor was confirmed reality, as I felt every word of Confessions...of a Faithful Woman! Each story peered into a corner me!! From the deepest valley in me I Thank You Milele for giving pieces of you, and with pieces of you I have found peace in me!!


deannamhl said...

That was awesome. that you could really connect with someone on a social site and be able to uplift and change their life for the better says a lot about for person. I would love to be able to put forth that type of energy on a, any social site. I'm glad I found you're blog. I look forward to reading more and purchasing you book.

Milele said...

I am truly honored that I have been able to help, touch and share at all. Thank you for checking out my blog and taking time to respond. You can check out the book at The book is also on FB. Much love sistar