Milele's Archive

Thursday, December 20, 2012

My confessions about Confessions

By now many of you have read or at least heard of my book “Confessions of a faithful woman”.  I am elated at all the love, support and honest feedback.  Writing this series wasn’t about becoming popular or getting on Oprah’s book club but that would be cool too.  I begin writing this series because I saw the need to address the state of living prevalent in the world today.  We have gotten far away from being human(e); the ancient way of living before the onslaught of the capitalist mentality.  People then were concerned about interpersonal relationships, understanding the operations of The Universe, using “sex” for healing, enlightenment, evolution, living in harmony with nature,  using their spirit and energy for the good of the whole, communing with others entities in many different dimensions.  That type of lifestyle allowed for the building of great and wonderfully advanced civilizations that were not only spectacular to look at but build upon Universal principles.  The series “Confessions…” is a mental, physical and spiritual awakening, a challenge to tap into those ancient and very simple ways of living, thinking and doing.  It is a tool to edutain (educate and entertain) people about a harmonious way of living.
The first book as you probably know could be considered “erotic” okay, okay, okay it IS meant to arouse, entice and stir the reader into action.  It is meant to bend reality and push the reader to want more.  This book’s main focus is the physicality and over coming one’s personal challenges around sex, intimacy and relations.  The characters are presented with opportunities to try something new, go past their comfort zones, view things from a different perspective and become intimately involved with themselves first (knowing themselves and their perceived limits) and others around them.  Though this series is fictional the history, practices, rituals and customs are very real.  One of the most important parts of this book is the foreword; it offers a very simple “scared space” ritual (which is essentially creating the energy and vibe in a particular space for a specific outcome no different then preparing your bathroom for a relaxing bath) and reminds us that “sex” is more than “sex”.  Another important part (totally my opinion) is the “Enlightenment” at the end of the book which explains the Swahili terms and provides other insights. 
I want everyone who reads this book or parts of this book to be aroused enough to challenge themselves to step out of their comfort zone and strive to make each experience sacred and enlightening.  I truly want people to prepare their space before reading and become the characters, or the settings, or the energy, or the scenario…..
As prevalent as physical gratification is in our society many GROWN ASS PEOPLE are still very reserved, shy and/or uncomfortable about openly talking about sex and all the things that go a long with it.  It is seen as a “behind closed doors” type of thing.  But the truth is sex is the thing that brought each of us here AND that desire/arousal is a divine longing to be whole and satiated that motivates all we do in life. 
This book can take you past comfort to enlightenment if you let it, rather, if you use it for a tool to tap into yourself and The Great Creator.
As always.... feel free to share about your experiences regarding the book *you can always be
Anonymous :) *  The more we open to the normalcy of it the better our experiences surrounding it will be
Love and light


Brianna CK said...

Really nice introduction to the book and the topic in general. Sounds as if it was written by an objective outsider for your creation

Anonymous said...

I agree this is a great introduction to your book. I am even more excited to read it now that I have read your introduction. Thank you for sharing this with us all.

Milele said...

Thank you beautiful souls!!