Milele's Archive

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I am being still while still being (which is hard for me).  I am changing, growing, evolving, returning to the thought of me.  I am looking at the new things with old eyes and old things with new eyes.  I am becoming the woman I want to be by being her daily.  I am releasing past ideas, ideals, beliefs, situations and people that no longer fit into the puzzle that is my life.  I am loving deeply and learning more.  I am unafraid of being ME.
Recently my life has changed drastically and very simply.  It started with a simple question:  How do I want my life, relationships, environment, children and myself to truly be? Once I was able to answer that in every area I began to function in a manner to manifest those realities.  The first thing that I had to change was me, I decided to be the person I want to be right now..  Then I had to rerereREevaluate my thoughts and actions in all things.  I am still growing and learning myself and how I truly am in a given circumstance.  I stop and think "What do I truly desire of this?  What can I do differently/better?  How will this impact my goals?  Why am I doing it this way?  and on and on and on. 
I find myself much quicker to let go of a person, situation, idea or plan that does not fit.  I find myself holding on much tighter to people, situations, ideas and plans that do.  I am unapologetic about what is righteous and humble about mistakes (mis-takes) I make.  I listen to what others are saying verbally and non-verbally.
I desire to be my best......... for you.
I ask of you: Take a moment (if you have not) to decide the person you want to be, in detail, and work to be that person right now, diligently, without wavering.
Please feel free to share your thoughts with me too.  I am because we are.

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