Milele's Archive

Friday, December 9, 2011

Would you...

put me on your lips and allow my juice to run down your throat satisfying your deepest thirst until I am empty then fill me up again?
open me up stretching my spine as far as it will go while stroking and sliding inside me sharing your deepest thoughts with me?
run your fingers across me until you found the right spot playing with me again and again filling me with as many of your desires as possible pushing me to my brink causing me to supply whatever you demanded of me?
slide me up and down, flip me back and forth, finger me, taking me everywhere you wanted, causing me to light up with every touch?
take off all your clothes and climb inside of me stretch all the way out, move around until you found the perfect spot to rest your head, close your eyes and let your fantasies run wild?
make me spin around and around, lick your fingers and move them across my valleys causing me to stutter until you release me and allow me to finish my thoughts while singing the rhythms you create with me?
wrap me around your body and get me wet while I caress your arms, legs, head, chest, ass, face?
use me to catch you life juices after you have been heighten beyond belief?
allow me to fall from your lips arousing all those around and sharing you with the world while keeping your
true self secret to only those divine enough to understand what you really are?
do all of the above and even more to my psyche, body and essence while taking me to new heights, exhausting me and reviving me at the same time?


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