Milele's Archive

Friday, December 19, 2014

I love my body because WINNER

All so often we are obsessed with our bodies. Size, shape, height, weight... Society tells us that we are not beautiful without conforming to current beauty standards that are shallow and limiting. "Confessions..." is designed to rid us of our emotional, spiritual, mental, physical and sexual boundaries.
With that in mine I had a "I love my body because..." contest
I would like to thank ALL the participants for the "I love my body because...." contest.  All the entries were beautifully honest and inspiring.  I am grateful that I did not have to decide because I LOVED all the pictures and reasons why each participant loved their body. Once again asante sana (thank you very much) for to the participants.

Participants had to send "Milele" or "Confessions of a" a untouched photo of their body as much or little as they wanted like to show (with nudity guidelines for most social media sites in mind). Each photo had to include the reason(s) why their love their body above or below it. Including the phrase (or a variation) "I love my body because..."
Photos were emailed, messaged or posted on my page. Photos and reasons were added to the "Contest" album from Sept 14th to October 21th 2014. The picture could only include the person(s) posting it. The photo had to be tagged with #coafw or #Milele
***Note*** Photos could have been be posted as "anonymous" at the request of participant.

Judging: From October 22 thru November 21 2014 photos will be "voted" on by likes, comments, repost, reblogs and shares. Winner(s) will be revealed in this blog post.
Photos were posted on the Confessions FB page, Milele's twitter and instagram pages and it is up to participants to promote their photo and tag #coafw or #milele to keep track. 

Winner will receive a "Confessions" t-shirt, book mark, creative acknowledgement in upcoming book

"Confessions of a spirit woman", blog post dedicated to "I love my body because" and an autographed advance copy of "Confessions... of a spirit woman"

AND THE WINNER IS.....................

Curtis Royston III

"I love my body because . . .it is both my vessel and my tabernacle. It is how GOD represents Itself wherever I am.
I came of age in a time and place when light-was-right and thin-didn't-win and it caused me some trepidation about appearing underdressed in public. I tried everything within reason to "compensate" for what I thought were "shortcomings". However, as I matured I became more selective ...about what I allowed in and who I allowed near me.
As my "vessel" my body is a holy place that allows my spirit to participate in that natural world. As my "temple" my body allows me to fellowship with GOD wherever I am. I now realize how important it is to be aware of what I eat, drink, and mentally consume. It is my confession that it has been a long rode, but I'm happy with my journey thus far..."

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