Milele's Archive

Monday, March 28, 2016

Getting back on the horse



*Deep breath*

In life there are times we get completely off track in our health, career, finances, relationships, education and personal growth.  We get into the daily grind of things making sure we are constantly moving forward and making changes. Then one day we loo up and think "How the hell did I get HERE!"
Now that "HERE" may even be a great place to be.... for someone else.  But for me or you or us that "HERE" is the completely wrong place.  We realize that somewhere on the journey we fell off our horse and got on someone else's going in a different direction; on a different path or we were on the right horse but now it is time for a different horse. But since we've come so far on this wonderful (but totally not working for us) horse we think that it would be better to just leave things as they are and try to adjust ourselves to our current reality.  We do everything in our power to ensure that we our as comfortable as possible in these shoes that don't fit because we've invested so much in them.  It seems better to just make the best out of what we have and where we are than to try to start on a new path.
True enough we can all find comfort, joy and goodness at whatever place we are in life and love, but what if there was something worth "rocking the boat" for? What if the horse you fell off of can take you wonderful places that you only dreamed of? What if there were certain lessons to learn and experiences you needed to have before you could ride your horse all the way to the right destiny?

Be brave!!!!!!!!!!  Be bold!!!!!!!!!!  Be confident!!!!!!!!!  Brush yourself off, survey your surroundings and get back on your horse or get on a new horse and get to your true destination.  The ride may be hard, long, bumpy and emotional but once you get where you are meant to be everything will fall right into place. 
I have to remind myself of this every time it is time for me to grow or make change in the things that have become comfortably uncomfortable.  I say to myself "Yeah you are doing good BUT you could be doing better." Than I show appreciation for what I have and make plans to get to the next place I want or need to be. 

How do you keep moving forward?  How do you know when it is time for change? What brave things would you like to do?  Where is your horse going to take you?

1 comment:

AHD said...

Very inspiring thanks